Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Some addition to your daily bath

To keep healthy, one has to take a nice bath daily. To cleanse and beautify whole body at one time, bathing is the only regime, which is followed all over the world.
Bath can be taken once or twice daily according to the climatic conditions of the place, skin type and the kind of work person is doing. Bathing includes cleansing of all parts of body like cleaning hair, eyes, nose, hand legs and all. Our skin has pores as its vital part. Pores accumulate dirt, grease and sweat and these pores get clogged. To remove all these, a daily bath routine is must. Otherwise our skin will not be able to breathe properly and will not excrete the waste of body. It will result in all sorts of diseases and allergies.

According to basics of Bath, one must rinse body with clean water followed by some soap or bath salt to degrease the body and to remove dirt. Now scrub the body properly, which should not be harsh. Now wash off all the soap and dirt. Wipe out water by a soft towel to have refreshing you.

Good Bath Tips
- For refreshing bath, boil lemon peels and orange peels with water and let it cool and pour it in bathing water.
- To get rid of skin infections, boil some neem leaves in water and mix it with your bathing water.
- You can apply sandalwood powder paste to you body and rinse it off after some times while bathing. This relieves the body from effects of summer heat.
- To have a nice fragrance from body, add some rose petals to the bathing water.



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