Thursday, May 28, 2009

Healthcare should be like a mom cares her children

-Before you drink coffee in the morning, drink a glass of water (keep a steady supply of water at your desk). This will help minimize the negative fidgety-buzz that coffee can give you.
-Start your day off with a 20 minute walk.
-Add apples in your daily routine diet.
-Start your day off with twenty minutes of Yoga or Pilates.
-Substitute sweet potatoes for regular baked potatoes or fries.
-Get more fiber. Add canned beans or a handful of nuts to your salad.
-Take the stairs, not the elevator.
-Don't e-mail your office mate. Walk down the hall and deliver the message personally.
-If you feel depressed or sad, immediately find a friend to talk with.
-If you're in a healthy relationship, have sex at least once every 3 days.It can be critical to both mental and physical stability.
-Once a quarter, try something new.
-Chew gum. Pop a stick in your mouth, and you'll feel your stress levels sink. A recent study showed that frequent gum chewers had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
-Lift weights while you watch TV. Use 3- to 5-pound hand weights or make your own by filling a plastic bag with cans,
-If you feel sluggish, get down on the floor and do some push-ups.
-If you can't sleep, take a sleeping pill. Sleep is critical to your overall well being. Just make sure not to take sleeping pills more than 3 days in a row.
-Buy shoes at the end of the day when your feet are more swollen from use.
-Keep a six pack of bottled water in the car for yourself and the kids.
-Walk away from the computer at least once every two hours and take a step outside.
-Be a good listener.



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